[savannah-help-public] [sr #108827] Unable to change language of the page
Alexey Veretennikov
2015-05-29 12:57:02 UTC

Summary: Unable to change language of the page
Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: fourier
Submitted on: fre 29 maj 2015 14.57.01
Category: Savannah website
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 3 - Normal
Status: None
Assigned to: None
Originator Email: ***@gmail.com
Operating System: None
Open/Closed: Open
Discussion Lock: Any



The Savannah websites determines the language by my ip, but I cannot change it
then (no language button/option etc).
How can I change the language of the site?


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Meddelandet skickades via/av Savannah
Pavel Kharitonov
2015-10-23 05:37:15 UTC
Follow-up Comment #1, sr #108827 (project administration):

Hello, Alexey!

As far as I can tell, Savannah doesn't check your IP, what it does is respect
the Accept-Language header. Please check the settings of your browser.


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Bob Proulx
2016-01-18 06:16:39 UTC
Update of sr #108827 (project administration):

Status: None => Need Info


Follow-up Comment #2:

It has been some time since the last interaction on this ticket. Is the
language selection still a problem? (Unfortunately I know nothing about how
this works. But I am trying to triage some of the older open tickets.)


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Pavel Kharitonov
2016-01-18 06:51:33 UTC
Follow-up Comment #3, sr #108827 (project administration):

In many browsers, the language can be selected in settings; a different issue
is that many translations are incomplete, and there are no people to update


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2016-06-04 05:59:14 UTC
Follow-up Comment #4, sr #108827 (project administration):

In many browsers (e.g. mobile) the language can NOT bet set easily. Besides,
it makes no sense to force users to change a global setting to change the
behavior of a single web site.

A different issue is that i in many cases the translations make so sense, so
it's actually worse than no translation at all.

Just my two cents...


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Meddelandet skickades via/av Savannah
Bob Proulx
2016-06-06 20:20:13 UTC
Follow-up Comment #5, sr #108827 (project administration):

I fear this is one of those issues where we can all agree, yes, it is a
problem, but have no solution to it. Unless someone steps up to understand and
work on the problem it won't get fixed. From the comments it looks like there
would need to both be a way to manually change the language on a page and also
to verify that there are translations for pages and also that the translations
are acceptably good.


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Pavel Kharitonov
2016-06-07 04:38:20 UTC
Follow-up Comment #6, sr #108827 (project administration):

Realistically, we could remove all translations; this might be acceptable in
case no translations are actively maintained.


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Karl Berry
2016-06-09 21:41:27 UTC
Follow-up Comment #7, sr #108827 (project administration):

i'm fine with removing (= archiving away) the translations. i don't know
where they are, but presumably it would not be difficult to find them. shall
i? ineiev, please confirm?


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Pavel Kharitonov
2016-06-10 04:52:59 UTC
Follow-up Comment #8, sr #108827 (project administration):

I think it would be sufficient to edit the $supportedLanguages in
frontend/php/include/i18n.php to switch off the languages.

This is statistics for localizations:
ca.po: 1721 translated messages, 139 fuzzy translations, 92 untranslated
de.po: 1960 translated messages.
es.po: 1852 translated messages, 36 fuzzy translations, 64 untranslated
fr.po: 1816 translated messages, 79 fuzzy translations, 57 untranslated
it.po: 1671 translated messages, 179 fuzzy translations, 102 untranslated
ja.po: 438 translated messages, 902 fuzzy translations, 612 untranslated
pt_BR.po: 438 translated messages, 902 fuzzy translations, 612 untranslated
ru.po: 750 translated messages, 261 fuzzy translations, 949 untranslated
sv.po: 1898 translated messages, 43 fuzzy translations, 11 untranslated

(this doesn't take into account possible new messages that weren't marked for
localization, though.)

Probably we could ask savannah-users if people need i18n.


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Karl Berry
2016-06-11 15:37:36 UTC
Update of sr #108827 (project administration):

Open/Closed: Open => Closed


Follow-up Comment #9:

how did you get those statistics?

at any rate, i think it's self-evident that there is no great need for
translations, given the number of untranslated messages -- although perhaps
the ones with <100 missing are usable. anyway, i went ahead and disabled
everything but en_US in i18n.php (thank you for finding that) and will write
savannah-users now.

it would be nicer if we could somehow get the translations updated, of course.
maybe someone will come forward to figure out how to export/import the savane
messages to translationproject.org.



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Pavel Kharitonov
2016-06-11 19:22:46 UTC
Follow-up Comment #10, sr #108827 (project administration):

I've got the statistics with
for i in po/*.po;do echo -n "$i: ";msgfmt -o/dev/null --statistics $i;done

WRT exporting to TP, it mustn't be hard. basically, one would need to contact
TP admins to register a new domain, and then periodically upload new
templates, download the updated translations from TP and put them to Git.


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Karl Berry
2016-06-11 22:19:24 UTC
Follow-up Comment #11, sr #108827 (project administration):

Hi Ineiev - sure, I am well aware of the process "in theory". After all, I
maintained plenty of GNU packages that used TP, not to mention worked with
Francois Pinard back when he was creating it(s predecessor) in the first
place, ~30 years ago. Etc.

What's not in my brain is how to extract the strings from the savane code
(specifically), import the translations from tp into savane (specifically),
and how to set it all up in some reasonable cron job -- probably not doing the
actual commit, but at least being notified that there are new strings and
making it easy (one command) to commit them.

In other words, not generalized descriptions of what needs to be done, but
doing/implementing the actual work. That is what I hoped some volunteer would
come forward to work on. It being a rather separable task from other savane


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2018-05-20 16:20:58 UTC
Update of sr #108827 (project administration):

Status: Need Info => Done


Follow-up Comment #12:

An additional language selection was implemented via the "Language" link in
"This Page" part of the side menu.


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