[savannah-help-public] [sr #109193] Please reset password for user cyfr0n (and change it's e-mail address)
2016-12-03 09:08:00 UTC

Summary: Please reset password for user cyfr0n (and change
it's e-mail address)
Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: None
Submitted on: Sat 03 Dec 2016 09:07:58 AM UTC
Category: None
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 3 - Normal
Status: None
Assigned to: None
Originator Email: ***@onet.pl
Operating System: None
Open/Closed: Open
Discussion Lock: Any




Could you please reset my password for account cyfr0n? I have not used
Savannah service for some time. I have probably changed e-mail address from
onet.pl to freeshell.org at some point. Unfortunately I no longer have an
access to my freeshell.org account (its maintainer does not respond to my
password reset requests), hence I decided to switch back to onet.pl and reset
my password for Savannah.


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Bob Proulx
2016-12-12 20:27:27 UTC
Update of sr #109193 (project administration):

Assigned to: None => rwp


Follow-up Comment #1:

Sorry for not seeing this sooner. Just noticed it now.

How can we verify your identity? Unfortunately you did not upload a GPG key
and so that is not available as an independent validation.

Can you update your email address on http://www.gnewsense.org/cyfr0n as a
method? If you do then that makes the identify verification simple.


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2016-12-16 02:50:14 UTC
Follow-up Comment #2, sr #109193 (project administration):

Hello Bob!

Thanks for taking care of the request. Unfortunately I am not able to edit the
gNewSense wiki. I suppose I'm providing correct password but after some delay
I'm get "incorrect password" message (which is strange, because when I really
provide incorrect password it takes a second to get the same message). I tried
to make some dummy commits to the gNewSense bzr repositories I was
conntributing to (packages-parkes-cfr) but since I've changed my ssh keys on
July 2013 I can't clone the branch.

The only way I think I can somehow prove my identity is to provide you with
some mails which I got on April 2013 from Savannah system when dealing with
gNewSense tickets. I am not sure however if you will be able to find any
events in maillog for frontend.savannah.gnu.org from that time to validate
them using message headers. Those mails arrived to my onet.pl mailbox. Could
that be useful?


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Assaf Gordon
2016-12-18 04:33:14 UTC
Follow-up Comment #3, sr #109193 (project administration):

Confirmation email sent to new address.

Let us know if it worked.

- assaf


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2016-12-18 08:19:23 UTC
Follow-up Comment #4, sr #109193 (project administration):

Verification e-mail arrived at Sun, 18 Dec 2016 04:31:46 +0000 (UTC).


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2017-03-16 16:43:27 UTC
Follow-up Comment #5, sr #109193 (project administration):


even though I received the confirmation mail, the procedure probably has not
been finished, and it probably still uses my old e-mail address (I haven't had
much time to play with it unfortunatelly). Could you please have a look and
retry the procedure if possible?


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Bob Proulx
2018-01-09 18:32:03 UTC
Follow-up Comment #6, sr #109193 (project administration):

What is the current status of this now aging ticket?


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Bob Proulx
2018-05-20 19:26:32 UTC
Update of sr #109193 (project administration):

Open/Closed: Open => Closed


Follow-up Comment #8:

Awesome! :-)


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