[savannah-help-public] [sr #109440] temporarily enable non-fast-forward commits
Alex Schroeder
2018-01-08 18:15:22 UTC

Summary: temporarily enable non-fast-forward commits
Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: as
Submitted on: Mon 08 Jan 2018 07:15:20 PM CET
Category: Source code repositories - developer access
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 2 - Minor
Status: None
Assigned to: None
Originator Email: ***@gnu.org
Operating System: None
Open/Closed: Open
Discussion Lock: Any



My Oddmuse repository needs its history fixed because I committed some changes
from an misconfigured system using ***@localhost.localdomain as my email
address. This results in other services (we use multiple origins) thinking
that some other user (with the same misconfigured email address in their
profile) is in fact a contributor to Oddmuse.
I made the necessary changes and wanted to push --force but it wouldn't work
for Savannah. Stupidly, I then pulled from the Savannah repo, bringing all the
***@localhost.localdomain commits back, so now the situation is even worse.
What I want to do is undo the merge commit and push --force it all, loosing
the commits by ***@localhost.localdomain and keepting the ones by myself,


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Bob Proulx
2018-01-09 18:20:18 UTC
Update of sr #109440 (project administration):

Status: None => In Progress
Assigned to: None => rwp


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hello Alex,

I have opened the oddmuse repository for you to force push to it. Have have
saved off the old master just in case of tragedy.

Just a hint for the future, normally I personally prefer to have a commit that
I can roll master back in time to when things were considered good. Then you
can fix things and push an upload on top of it. That is safest for us as
curators of repositories because the rollback point is known. I looked but
couldn't figure it out for oddmuse. It looks like things are going to have to
go back in time quite far. I'll just say, please be careful out there.

Secondly if you want to discuss any git help please do email us at
savannah-help-public AT gnu.org and the group there would be happy to help
with things. It looks like git filter-branch may be the utility for you
depending upon what you are trying to do. Certainly pulling wouldn't make
things worse but will only merge in the upstream branch. Just don't pull,
merge, and then push or the push will publicly commit everything.

Please let me know when you have things back in a happy state. I will leave
the ticket open until then.


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Alex Schroeder
2018-01-09 20:19:36 UTC
Follow-up Comment #2, sr #109440 (project administration):

Thank you very much! I push-forced my changes and that seemed to work, and
then I made a regular change and pushed that as well, and all seems to be
As far as I am concerned, we can close this support request.
And thanks for your offer to git help. Luckily (I guess) a lot of people seem
to have similar problems with git, so there's always plenty of resources on
the web for the problems I'm having. :)


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Bob Proulx
2018-01-09 22:14:16 UTC
Update of sr #109440 (project administration):

Status: In Progress => Done
Open/Closed: Open => Closed


Follow-up Comment #3:

Great! Closing the ticket.


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