[savannah-help-public] [sr #109491] Please upgrade the 'clisp' project from a webpages-only project to a webpages+sourcecode project
Bruno Haible
2018-04-09 21:59:17 UTC

Summary: Please upgrade the 'clisp' project from a
webpages-only project to a webpages+sourcecode project
Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: haible
Submitted on: Mon 09 Apr 2018 11:59:15 PM CEST
Category: Project webpages
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 4 - Important
Status: None
Assigned to: None
Originator Email: ***@clisp.org
Operating System: GNU/Linux
Open/Closed: Open
Discussion Lock: Any



Up to now https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/clisp/ is a webpages-only
Now we want to host the source code of GNU clisp in savannah as well (as
sourceforge.net has become too unreliable).

Please convert this project to a webpages+sourcecode project.

1) Here is the input that I would otherwise have needed to give in a project
registration request:

* Technical description:

GNU CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation. It conforms to the ANSI Common Lisp
standard, and offers many extensions. It runs on all desktop operating systems
(GNU and Unix systems, macOS, Windows) and is particularly memory-efficient.

It is Free Software and may be distributed under the terms of GNU GPL, while
it is possible to distribute commercial proprietary applications compiled with

The user interface comes in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian
and Danish, and can be changed during run time.

GNU CLISP includes an interpreter, a compiler, a debugger, CLOS, MOP, a
foreign language interface, a socket interface, i18n, fast bignums, arbitrary
precision floats and more. GNU CLISP runs Maxima, ACL2 and many other Common
Lisp packages.

* Group type: Official GNU software

* Project license: GNU General Public License v2 or later

* Checklist: All checked, except for
- I read carefully and don't check this one
- All my files include valid copyright notices, a license header: Currently
not all files do, but all the main files of compilation units do. I.e. we have
no license header yet on files that are #included by other files; it is this
other file which has the license header. All in all, there is no ambiguity of
the license each file belongs to.

* Dependencies:
+ GNU libsigsegv
- License: GPLv2+
- Homepage:
+ GNU libffcall
- License: GPLv2+
- Homepage:
+ GNU libunistring
- License: dual-licensed under the GNU LGPLv3+ or the GNU GPLv2
- Homepage:

* Tarball URL: https://haible.de/bruno/gnu/clisp-2.49.92.tar.bz2

2) In the "Features" list, currently the project has
- Homepage
- Homepage Source Code Web Browsing
- Support Tracker
- Mailing Lists
- CVS Web Browsing
- Task Tracker
- News
After the upgrade, it should have - like the other projects - also:
- Documentation
- Download Area
- GNU Arch
- Arch Web Browsing
- Subversion
- Subversion Web Browsing
- Git
- Git Web Browsing
- Mercurial
- Mercurial Web Browsing
- Bazaar
- Bazaar Web Browsing
- Bugs Tracker
- Patch Tracker


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Bob Proulx
2018-04-10 03:49:35 UTC
Update of sr #109491 (project administration):

Status: None => In Progress
Assigned to: None => rwp


Follow-up Comment #1:

I have changed the type of project. You should be able to enable version
control now.

Welcome to using Savannah's version control repositories. Please let us know
if you run into any problems.


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Bob Proulx
2018-04-10 03:49:47 UTC
Update of sr #109491 (project administration):

Status: In Progress => Done
Open/Closed: Open => Closed


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