[savannah-help-public] [sr #109475] Unable to run Octave properly
Nenad Zivanovic
2018-03-20 05:16:06 UTC

Summary: Unable to run Octave properly
Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: nenad
Submitted on: Tue 20 Mar 2018 05:16:04 AM UTC
Category: Savannah trackers - bugs, tasks, etc.
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 3 - Normal
Status: None
Assigned to: None
Originator Email: ***@gmail.com
Operating System: GNU/Linux
Open/Closed: Open
Discussion Lock: Any



I bought a new laptop with Endless OS and GNU Octave package. When I tried to
run it the system demanded an installation. After I performed the installation
GNU Octave-test icon appeared on my desktop. The program is running when I
double click the icon, but it doesn't perform even the basic calculations,
does not return the result value after I type in for instance 2*3 and press
Enter in Editor window. It also started reporting an error like this in the
Command window:
libGL error: unable to load driver: radeonsi_dri.so
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: radeonsi
libGL error: unable to load driver: radeonsi_dri.so
libGL error: driver pointer missing
libGL error: failed to load driver: radeonsi
GNU Octave, version 4.3.0+

I am attaching eos-diagnostics file as well.


File Attachments:

Date: Tue 20 Mar 2018 05:16:04 AM UTC Name:
eos-diagnostic-180320_053117_UTC+0100.txt Size: 381KiB By: nenad



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Bob Proulx
2018-03-20 19:38:18 UTC
Update of sr #109475 (project administration):

Open/Closed: Open => Closed


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hello! You have reached the Savannah administration team. The volunteers who
are working with the GNU Free Software forge.

However you have submitted a bug talking about Octave. I am sorry but we
don't know anything about Octave here. This is the wrong project. You will
need to submit your bug report to the Octave group please.

As such I am closing the ticket since there isn't anything we can do with it
here. Sorry. Please make your report to the Octave group. This seems to be
their page for it.


Good luck!


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